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I would really like in 2022, to try to calm down, to be more serene.

I think that sports will help me a lot to be less stressed.

Hello everyone. I'm back today for the first video of the year 2022 and before anything else, I wish you a very nice year 2022.

I wish you all happiness and many beautiful things.

Today, I'm offering you a video in a more vlog style.

By the way, I'll see you at the foot of my Christmas tree.

I keep it for a few more days because I love the Christmas atmosphere and it's true that it's always hard for me to part with it.

Today, we are not going to talk about Christmas, but we will talk about good resolutions.

To understand everything, don't hesitate to activate the subtitles in French or English.

I always advise you to put them in French.

It's a little more difficult, but it will help you to really get the hang of all the new words you'll see in this video.

If I speak too fast, feel free to slow down the video or speed it up if I speak too slowly for your level of French.

I'm also asking you now so I'm sure you don't forget.

Take the time to put a like, it makes me very happy and it shows me that you like my videos.

I suppose you know this tradition, this custom of making good resolutions for the coming year.

We tell ourselves that this new year is an opportunity to develop good habits or to lose bad habits or to become a better person.

Some of the most common resolutions people make include quitting smoking, starting a diet to lose weight, working out, joining a gym, saving a little more money this year, being a little less spendy, being a little more careful with your money, such as shopping less.

One of the most common resolutions that people make is to allow themselves more time to relax and feel good about themselves.

We could also take the resolution to reduce the time spent in front of screens, in front of our phone, television, tablets.

It is true that today, we spend a lot of time on social networks, we spend a lot of time in front of screens.

Another example of a resolution is to become more eco-responsible.

For example, be more careful with what you consume, become vegetarian, try to limit your waste.

Eat more organic food.

That's it. I have given you some examples of good resolutions that can be made in the new year.

In this video, I'll mostly talk about my good resolutions.

So I was telling you this is a little bit more of a vlog video than I usually get to do.

So in this video, I'm going to tell you a little bit about my resolutions and I'm going to write down the main vocabulary words that I use when I'm talking in the video.

This year, I made four good resolutions.

The problem with the resolutions we make is that we are often full of good intentions at the beginning of January and that three weeks later, we have already abandoned almost everything.

But then again, this year I'm really going to try to stick to them, I've picked four, but they're not very complicated, so I really think I'm going to be able to stick to them throughout the year.

Before I give you my resolutions, please tell me in the comments if you have made any resolutions for this year, and especially, tell me what your good resolutions are.

My first resolution for this year is to get back into sports.

Before the first confinement, so in March 2020 in France, I was doing some sport, I was doing one hour of dance per week, one hour of yoga class and at home, I was also doing a lot of yoga, almost every day.

I also walked a lot more because when I went to work, I walked from my house to the subway, then from the subway to my work.

During lunchtime, I went to buy some food and came back. So in the end, I walked for about 30 minutes, an hour.

Today, this is no longer the case.

I don't know if you, in your country, telework is generalized.

If you work from home, I find that you have a lot less opportunity to walk and walking is still a physical activity.

During the first lockdown, I was still able to motivate myself. I was doing yoga by myself at home. I did it almost every day.

But it's true that for the last few months, I've lost motivation.

When you sign up for a course, you are motivated because sometimes you have paid for the course in advance or because you know that you will meet your friends at the course.

So this is really part of my 2022 resolutions.

It's really about getting back into more regular exercise, getting motivated to do yoga at home at least a little bit every day, and also to go for a run, even if it's cold, even if sometimes the weather is not good.

I really want to get back into it because I find that when you do sports, you feel better about yourself and you feel much more serene.

Let's move on to my second resolution, which is directly related to the first.

My second resolution is to try to be more serene, to be less stressed, less anxious.

It's true that I'm someone who can quickly become stressed in certain situations, who can quickly become anxious. So, I would really like, in 2022, to try to calm myself down, to be more serene.

I think that sports will help me to be less stressed.

Maybe also try to spend less time on my phone, on Tik Tok before going to sleep.

Because it's true that it makes you nervous and I really want, in 2022, to become a more calm and serene person.

My third resolution. What's that? It's to read more books.

Once I start a book, get attached to the characters, really get into the story, I love to read.

The problem is that I often don't really have the motivation.

If I have to choose between reading a book or watching a series, I'm going to take the easy way out and watch a series when I find it super important to read and super rewarding.

When you read too, you put yourself in a bubble, you spend a calmer moment, and you see, all my resolutions are a bit linked, it also allows you to be more serene.

I would really like to give myself some time to read.

I have a lot of books that I have been offered, that I have bought, that I have never taken the time to read out of laziness, out of laziness, because I always choose the easy way, rather than watching a movie or a series.

So, I'm going to try this year to read at least one book a month.

And finally, my fourth and last resolution. It's more related to a life project.

I mentioned this in a previous video very quickly, but I left my job in the fall of 2021.

I left my job in the fall of 2021 because I really wanted to develop my own project, to develop my own business.

My fourth resolution is really to start my company, my business.

So rather our business, because we would like to launch it with Mathieu that you saw on the Scrabble video.

We really have this common project to launch our business together. I really want our entrepreneurial project, which we are starting, to become really concrete.

That's really my goal for 2022.

We both put a lot of energy into it, with Mathieu.

I'd really like to see that by the end of 2022, it's really, we're really well underway and everything is in place.

Really working full time for this project, for this company.

I will tell you about our entrepreneurial project in a future video.

I'll tell you more about it, but of course I'll keep some time for Hellofrench.

I'm still making at least two videos a week, don't worry, that's not going to change.

So there you have it, I've shared my four resolutions for this new year.

I hope that you also have great projects for this new year that you can't wait to start and especially that you have made great resolutions and that you will succeed in keeping them throughout the year.

Don't forget to comment your resolutions and most importantly, please give me a like.

And if you are new to the channel, subscribe and activate the little bell so you don't miss any of my videos.

I say to you very, very quickly and I wish you once again a very, very beautiful year 2022.

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