"Relou" - Definition, French pronunciation

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"Relou" - Definition, French pronunciation

📖 Definition of "Relou"

The word "relou" is the verlan of the word "heavy". We can use "dork" to refer to a situation or a person. It is used to refer to something that is unpleasant, boring, or unpleasant.

🖼 Illustration of "relou" in picture

It is relou this small bird
She's a pain in the ass to throw things in the face...

🗣 Pronunciation in French

🥳 Use in a close, familiar environment

"David absolutely wants us to go running together, he's really relatable."

"It's relou, I've been stuck in the elevator for 2 hours"

"Noémie is so relou, she just makes fun of me"

👩🏼‍💻 Use in a professional, formal environment

It is a word not to be used in a professional context, except with work colleagues to whom you are quite close. But if you have any doubt, don't use it, it's probably not appropriate

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