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Hi everyone.

Welcome to this new video.

Today we're going to take a look at three French expressions that will come in very handy if you're coming to France on vacation or meeting French people this summer on the beach.

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Let's start with the first expression of the day.

It's a fairly colloquial expression, more likely to be used with friends or family, or with colleagues you may be close to.

It's "ça cogne" or "ça tap".

If you hear someone on the beach say ça cogne or ça tap, he's talking about the sun. He means that the sun is beating down hard. It means it's very hot and you can really feel the sun's heat on you.

You can feel that the heat of the sun is very intense, so it gives the impression that you're being hit by the sun, knocking because knocking is a synonym for hitting in colloquial language.

So we're hit by the sun. It's a rather colorful expression. The sun is very strong. It's beating down. So you have to protect yourself. Put on some sun cream.

That brings us to the second expression. If the sun is beating down on you and you haven't put on your sun cream, you could get sunburned. Coup de soleil is simply the French expression for sunburn.

Sunburns you can get on your skin. For example, I could say I spent 3 hours on the beach in the sun without putting on any sun cream.

I'm sunburned all over my body. If you're sunburned, it could be because you've been lying on the beach all day, sunbathing.

A synonym for tanning is the expression se dorer la pilule. A pill is normally a medicine. But there's this expression that's also quite familiar, which is se dorer la pilule.

I've been gilding my loins all day at the beach.

It just means you've been sitting in the sun tanning.

That's it for today. In any case, I hope that the weather at home is fine and sunny and that you'll be able to use these expressions.

See you soon for a new video.

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