Spoken french 🇫🇷 - how to use "VOILÀ" in French?

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Spoken french 🇫🇷 - how to use "VOILÀ" in French?


Hi everyone.

Welcome to another French lesson. Today, we are going to talk about a little word that I know you have a problem with. Many of you have asked me to make a video on this word which is "voilà".

It's a word that is used very often in French and in many contexts. When you're not a native speaker, it can be very complex to understand the different contexts in which it can be used.

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In this video, we're going to look together at six contexts where you can use this word "voilà", and I'm going to explain to you exactly what it means in each of these contexts. Before we start, don't forget to support my work by putting a "like", you know it's very important to me.

The first meaning of the word voilà, it's a synonym for "here" so when you're going to give something to someone. Instead of saying "here's the salt" I could say "here's the salt". So we use it to give something. For example, when I hand someone a book, I might say "here's your book".

Or if someone says "can you give me a sheet of paper?", I can answer "here you go" by holding out the sheet, giving the sheet. Here is the remote control. Voilà, it's a word that we're going to use in a rather common language context, in a not very formal context.

The second use of voilà is to introduce someone, to introduce yourself for example. This is Thibault, my friend. Voilà can simply be used instead of "that's" in an informal context, in everyday language, to introduce an explanation or to present an object, something.

If you drive by the school where you went to school. Instead of saying "this is the school I went to", I can say "this is the school I went to".

This is the dress I want to buy. So there, for example, you show a friend on the internet the dress you want to buy. This is how you turn on the television instead of saying this is how you turn on the television with this remote control.

That's why I never drink red wine, I get a red tongue afterwards, that's why I don't do it. That's why I never drink red wine.

A fourth use of the word voilà is a synonym for "since", "there is". Instead of saying five years ago that I graduated, I could say five years ago that I graduated. It's been three days since I ate cake and candy.

Instead, I could say it's been three days since I ate cake or candy. Fifth use, French people, can use "voilà" instead of "oui", "c'est exact".

Here, it is used to confirm something, to validate information, to say that something is correct. For example, in a restaurant, if I order a dessert for two, the waiter may say "you want a dessert and two spoons? Is that right?" I can answer "that's it." To say yes, that's right. And again, it's pretty informal as a way of expressing yourself.

Here is a second context.

I get it. You like Michel, but you want him to be the one to tell you first. There, you've got it.

And finally, voilà is very very very often used to conclude. When you don't know what to say, when you have nothing more to say, you end by saying "voilà". It is synonymous with "it's over".

We use this to show that we are finished, that we are done talking. We have finished our explanation. What did you do this weekend? I saw a friend, we took a coffee. I also went to the movies with another friend. And now I don't want to talk to you anymore. That's it.

And that's it for today, this video is over. I hope that you have enjoyed it and that it has allowed you to better understand the different contexts in which French people can use the word "voilà" and that you too will now be able to use it in all these situations.

That's it, this video is over.

I say to you very quickly and especially do not forget, put a "like".

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