LEARN FRENCH IN 2 MINUTES - French idiom: Poser un lapin

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LEARN FRENCH IN 2 MINUTES - French idiom: Poser un lapin


Hi everyone, hope you're well and having a lovely day.

Welcome to this video where we'll take a look at a French expression in just a few minutes. Today, we're going to take a look at a rather familiar expression. The expression is "to stand up".

You've heard of a rabbit as the little animal. When you stand someone up, it means you're not going on a date. If I don't go on a date, I stand someone up. And if someone doesn't go on a date with me, he stands me up.

I got stood up. It's often used in the context of a date. But it can also be a business appointment, a date with a friend, a medical appointment. For example, if I forget to go to a medical appointment, I can say I got stood up by my doctor, because I completely forgot to go to that appointment.

Here are two examples. I had an appointment with a waiter at the restaurant at 8 p.m. I waited for over an hour and he never showed up. I've never been stood up like that before, and he never gave me any news or explanation.

Here's a second example in a professional context. I drove two hours to meet my client and she stood me up. She never showed up. She wrote to me later that she'd had a problem with her car.

Well, that's that. For that little colloquialism. I hope you enjoyed it, but please don't stand other people up too often.

If you liked this video, please put a like on it, it really means a lot to me. And if you're new to the channel, subscribe so you don't miss any of my videos.

I'll see you very, very soon.

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