11 french slang words for money + examples

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11 french slang words for money + examples

When you learn to speak French, you quickly realize that slang words are used a lot by French speakers themselves. Even more so when it comes to money. Slang words about money are the basis of many conversations and you can hear them in TV shows, movies or if you listen to French speakers talking to each other.

Here is a list of 11 slang words related to money in French with an example for each of them.

  1. Fric : J’ai vraiment besoin de fric pour payer mon loyer. 🇺🇸 I really need money to pay my rent
  2. Pognon : Il a gagné beaucoup de pognon au casino. 🇺🇸 He won a lot of money at the casino.
  3. Blé : J’ai dépensé tout mon blé pendant les vacances. 🇺🇸 I spent all my wheat during the vacations.
  4. Thune : Il a économisé assez de thune pour acheter une nouvelle moto. 🇺🇸 He has saved enough money to buy a new motorcycle.
  5. Flouze: On a ramassé pas mal de flouze lors de la vente de garage. 🇺🇸 We picked up a lot of money at the garage sale.
  6. Oseille : Il a investi beaucoup d’oseille dans cette entreprise. 🇺🇸 He has invested a lot of dough in this company.
  7. Pépètes : Elle a dépensé toutes ses pépètes en vêtements de luxe. 🇺🇸 She spent all her nuggets on luxury clothes.
  8. Balles (pour parler d’euros) : Ça coûte 50 balles cette paire de chaussures. 🇺🇸 It costs 50 balls this pair of shoes.
  9. Barres (pour parler de milliers d’euros) : Il a acheté une voiture à 20 barres. 🇺🇸 He bought a car for 20 bars.
  10. Radis : Je n’ai plus un radis, je suis à sec. 🇺🇸 I don't have a radish left, I'm dry.
  11. Caisse : Je dois passer à la banque pour retirer de la caisse. 🇺🇸 I have to stop by the bank to withdraw from the cash register.

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