LEARN FRENCH IN 2 MINUTES - French idiom: Faire les cent pas

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LEARN FRENCH IN 2 MINUTES - French idiom: Faire les cent pas

Transcript of the video

Hi everyone, I hope you are well and ready for this new video in French.

Today we will see an expression together.

This expression is "pacing".

Let me know in the comments if you've heard it before or maybe even used it.

So this expression in fact it means what it means, we walk a lot waiting for something. We are impatient for a situation to happen or we are stressed, we can wait, for example for news.

We're going to be walking and pacing, so walking, walking while we wait, it helps to move time along a little faster. I'm going to give you a little context. It will help you to understand the expression better and especially to use it yourself even if you have never used it. For example, if my grandfather had an operation and I'm in the hospital, I'm waiting for news. I can say that I am pacing the halls of the hospital waiting for news about my grandfather.

I'm a little stressed. I'm going to walk to make the time go by faster. Here's a second, slightly happier setting. I've been pacing since 8pm. I'm having a party tonight and my guests are already 30 minutes late, so this keeps me waiting. I'd rather be in motion than waiting in a static, still way. And finally, here's one last bit of context. I've been pacing since this morning while waiting for the results of the 2006 baccalaureate.

That's it for today. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, as usual, don't forget to put a little blue thumb. If you are new, subscribe to the channel. It helps me a lot and above all, it will allow you not to miss any video. See you soon.

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