CHEZ or AU? Don't make this mistake in French anymore. (FR/EN subtitles) #frenchgrammar

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CHEZ or AU? Don't make this mistake in French anymore. (FR/EN subtitles) #frenchgrammar

Transcription of the video "At home or at the barber shop

Do you say "I'm going to the hairdresser" or do you say "I'm going to the dentist"?

Well, this is a mistake. Confusing "au" and "chez" in French is a very common mistake in the choice of preposition.

This is a mistake that even many French speakers make.

In this video, I will explain the rule so that you don't confuse anymore, that you don't hesitate between "at" and "at".

On the one hand, we have the preposition "to" and its derivatives. On the other hand, we have "at".

You must use "at" to introduce people, a first name or a trade name, for example. To introduce a place such as a business, for example.

You must use "to the" to introduce a feminine place, "to the" to introduce a masculine place, a masculine business and "to the" to introduce a masculine or feminine plural place.

So I'll say I'm going to the hairdresser, but I'm going to the hair salon. I go to the fishmonger's but I go to the fishmonger's.

I go to the doctor. I go to the doctor's office.

I go to the dentist. I go to the dental office.

You will also say "I'm going to the movies," "I'm going to the park." And conversely, you'll say "I'm meeting friends." Because they are people.

We meet at Henri's.

Download the exercise sheet in the video description to test yourself on this lesson.

🇫🇷 Comprends les Français even when they talk fast.

"15 minutes a day is enough to be able to understand French speakers, even when they speak fast. You just need to follow the right method

🚀 50 everyday dialogues to boost your understanding of French

✅ Understand the French, even when they're talking fast.
✅ Talk with French speakers with confidence.
Improve your French for good with a method based on everyday dialogues.

You see, in the end, it's very simple. You use the derivatives of the preposition "to" for places, businesses and you use "at" for people, jobs, names.

I hope this video has helped you and that you will not hesitate anymore.

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See you soon.

🇫🇷 Comprends les Français even when they talk fast.

"15 minutes a day is enough to be able to understand French speakers, even when they speak fast. You just need to follow the right method

🚀 50 everyday dialogues to boost your understanding of French

✅ Understand the French, even when they're talking fast.
✅ Talk with French speakers with confidence.
Improve your French for good with a method based on everyday dialogues.

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