A GAME TO LEARN FRENCH VOCABULARY with my friends - Le petit bac

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A GAME TO LEARN FRENCH VOCABULARY with my friends - Le petit bac

Transcript of the video

A bathroom item that begins with the letter V.

A vase!

A vase? No, that's not validated.

It's not a bathroom item at all.

Hello everyone.

Welcome to another video to help you improve your French. Today, I'm with two friends, Caroline and Bénédicte, and together we're going to play a game - you'll see, they've got buzzers - to help you improve your French vocabulary.

Before you start, remember to activate the subtitles if you need them to understand everything in the video and to remember all the vocabulary words that we will see together.

Today, we're going to play the little tub together. The little tub is a game we often play when we're teenagers.

We often play this in class when we're a bit bored, isn't it?

We often play this at school or between classes, when we're a bit bored.

Here, we're going to play, we're going to play this together because it's a language game that requires you to think about vocabulary.

So, let me explain the rules of this game. I'll give you a theme and a letter of the alphabet. You'll have to buzz as quickly as possible to give a word that starts with that letter in the theme.

For example, I will give the theme animals and I will say an animal that begins with the letter S.

SNAKE! I think you understand the rules.

So today we'll be playing in three sets.

In each round, the winner is the person who reaches five points.

And at the end of the three rounds, we'll see which of Caroline or Bénédicte has won the most rounds. If you'd like to play along, feel free to pause the game and think of other vocabulary words Caroline or Bénédicte might have said.

And you can comment on them. This way, we're all enriching our vocabulary, so don't hesitate, you can pause each time I give a theme and a letter.

Are you ready girls? All the way, on the gas!

I have my little card, you don't cheat, you don't look. No, I promise, never.

So it's off to the first round.

Give me a sport that starts with the letter D.

(laughs) I have a blank.


Yes. One point for Benedict.

You could also say Decathlon.

1 – 0.

So now give me an ice cream flavor that starts with the letter M.


1 – 1.

So now give me a transportation, a way to get around that starts with the letter P.

On foot, the foot.

The foot, very well, on foot, yeah it works, to get around.

You could also say roller skates, a barge or a stroller, for babies.

2 – 1.

So, an animal that starts with the letter F.


You could also say a flamingo, a falcon or a pheasant.

So, we are at 2 - 2.

Well, it's very tight.

Give me a slang word that starts with the letter G. Be careful, it's a bit tricky.


Grave in slang means very, very, yes, it's serious, bon, it means it's very good or I can say do you feel like eating a waffle? You can answer "grave", which means yes, very much so.

3 – 2.

Careful, Bénédicte is getting close to 5 points. So, can you give me a tree, a variety of tree that starts with the letter A?

An apricot tree.

But I don't know who buzzed first.

Both were.... but you can give a point everywhere.

One point everywhere.

That means it's 4 - 3.

You could also have said a mahogany or an acacia.

4 – 3.

Careful: this is a French president beginning with the letter S.

Sarkozy !

No but the girls (laughs).

We're crazy people, right ....

Equality, equality again, equality, 5 - 4.

Yes, but...

Well, it was very close, but Béné won this round.

Don't worry, you can make it up to me. You can make it up to me, it was very close.

Then it's off to the second round.

A body part that begins with the letter R.

The kidneys!

Yeah Caro buzzed before.

But you buzz and shout... You must not shout at the same time as you buzz.

OK, I buzz and then I shout.

That way the referee can keep an eye on things.

You could also say the patella, the spleen, the radius.

there were a few.

A color that begins with the letter B.


You could also say blue... Did you have another idea?

Bordeaux, yeah.

We are at 2 - 0.


It's payback time.

So be careful.

A defect that begins with the letter J.


Bravo !

2 – 1.

The next word... A garment that begins with the letter T.

A t-shirt, a tunic, a top...

So we are at 3 - 1.

So now... A bathroom item that begins with the letter V.

A vase!

A vase? No, that's not validated!

It's not a bathroom item at all!

I have two.

I don't know.

You can put it on your hands or feet and store it in the bathroom.


Yes, you could also say the glass to put his toothbrush.

In fact, that's what I had in mind with vase, but it's not a vase.

I thought you were going to say glass and you said vase.

So I think you're going to go very fast too.

Are we still at 3 - 1 or are we at 4 - 1?

4 – 1.

A fruit that begins with the letter C.




There was also lemon... Chestnut.

Bravo Caro, you win the round.

So we are at 1 - 1.

You both won a set, so it's all going to come down to the third set.

Attention, a musical instrument that begins with the letter B.




Yeah there were drums, baritone, banjo.

1 – 0.

Caro? Yes, get a grip!

A vegetable that begins with the letter L.

It was Caro, I think.


Oh, but you didn't find it!

Well, I had it in mind, and I was still thinking about instruments.

Did you have that in mind, too?

Yeah, there was lens too.

1 – 1.

A kitchen object, then, an object found in the kitchen that begins with the letter S.

I was going to say salt, but it's not an object.

A towel?

Yeah a towel, yeah.

Otherwise, there was also a spatula, a sauté pan, an ice cream maker.

2 – 1.

A quality that begins, attention, a quality we said, that begins with the letter E.


Yeah, there was also empathetic, enthusiastic, eloquent.

We are at 3 - 1.

Caroline, this is not okay.

A dish...

Who eats himself?

Which is eaten, a dish yes, or a recipe that begins with the letter Q.

Quinoa, a quinoa.

A quiche?

Quinoa isn't really a dish, it's an ingredient.

4 – 1.

Beware, everything can still be done.

We remain in the same, in the same range.

Now it's going to be a dessert that starts with the letter C.

It was Béné.


Crumble yeah.

There were cream puffs, vanilla cream, pancakes, a cake, a café liégeois.

5 – 1, 5 – 1.

It's hard, it's very, very hard!

Ben won the game with two innings won.

Would you like me to make a few extra?


Come on, let's get, let's get some bonuses for fun.

A cheese, attention, Caro, it's time to show that....

A cheese that begins with the letter E.

Emmental, Emmental.

There were epoisses and édam.

A capital city that begins with the letter, attention, there, you must be good in spelling, which begins with the letter H.

A country's capital.


No, this is a country.

I'm a bit scared now... Helsinki.

Helsinki yeah, there was also Havana.

Yes, Hanoi.

A drink that starts with the letter O.

You can say brands.


Orangina, Oasis, orgeat syrup.

Well, it's not really vocabulary, but it's a series that begins with the letter B.

Big little lies!

Did you have an idea?

Big Bang Theory.

Yes, that's it.

There was Breaking Bad, Beverly Hills, Bref, a French series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Bones.

That's a lot of English-language series.

So... do I have any left...

An animal that lives on the farm, a farm animal that begins with the letter A.

A donkey!

A lamb.

Yes, it's a little... All right, yes, it lives on the farm.

I'm better on the bonuses than on the actual run.

Yes you are better on bonuses, there is less pressure.

A flower that begins with the letter H.


There was also Hibiscus.

Bravo, Caro! You, that's it... you're all about the bonuses!

I am not resistant to pressure.

One last one, a country that begins with the letter A.


Saudi Arabia.

There was also Germany, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Afghanistan.

Well, bravo girls.

Thanks a lot. And above all, congratulations to Béné who won the real round and Caro who won the bonuses.

Thank you very much for making this video. I hope you were able to learn some new vocabulary or at least review some vocabulary, but above all learn a game that you can also do at home.

You can play with friends, where you put a timer, so a stopwatch, and you write on a sheet of paper.

You write down lots of categories, and on each turn someone gives you a letter, and you have to write in the different categories as quickly as possible to find a word for each category that starts with the letter.

So you can have an animal category, a trade category, a series category, a food category, and you give the letter B, for example, and it's up to the fastest person to fill in all the boxes.

I hope you enjoyed this video, and that you enjoyed learning vocabulary through a game.

If you liked this video, of course, don't forget to put a like. If you're new, please subscribe and activate the bell to receive all the videos, and I'll see you soon for the next one.

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