"Avoir la dalle" - Definition, French pronunciation

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"Avoir la dalle" - Definition, French pronunciation

📖 Definition of the expression "Avoir la dalle" (To have a slab) 

To "have the munchies" simply means to be hungry, to want to eat something. You can say that you're "really hungry" to accentuate the effect and say that you're really very hungry.

🖼 Illustration of "avoir la dalle" in pictures

This little girl is really hungry
He eats so fast, he must have been really hungry

🗣 Pronunciation in French

🥳 Use in a close, familiar environment

"I haven't eaten anything since yesterday, I'm really hungry".

"I've just done two hours of sport, I'm so hungry".

"Don't you want to go eat now? I'm starving."

👩🏼‍💻 Use in a professional, formal environment

The expression "to have the munchies" should be reserved for a friendly, familiar environment. We don't really use it at work, except with colleagues we know well, with whom we're close.

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