10 NEW WORDS added to the FRENCH DICTIONARY 2023 🇫🇷

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10 NEW WORDS added to the FRENCH DICTIONARY 2023 🇫🇷


Hello everyone, welcome to this new French video.

You probably know it, but every year, new words are added to the French dictionary. In general, these words will be added to the dictionary because they have been used a lot in the news or because they are very frequently and increasingly used by French speakers.

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This was the case, for example, with the word "Covid", which has been heard a lot in the last few years and has entered the dictionary.

This year, there are more than 150 new words that have appeared in the Larousse. The Larousse is a type of dictionary that released its last edition in the middle of June 2022.

Today we will see ten together. Of course, we couldn't see all 150. The ten that we're going to see are, in my opinion, the most interesting ones for you and especially the ones that you hear the most in the media or in recent series or movies. So they will certainly interest you.

I know that you are always very happy to learn new vocabulary, to enrich your vocabulary in French.

That's why I'm so happy that this video is sponsored by the DuoCards application. DuoCards is a free application that allows you to learn and review vocabulary in French or in the language you are learning thanks to flashcards, vocabulary cards.

In this application, you will be able to learn new vocabulary through lists with themes, for example food, or parts of the body for example. But you can also learn new vocabulary through articles, videos or movies.

Whenever you don't know a word, you can click on it and save it. It is then added to the list of vocabulary you want to memorize in the long run. The application is based on a spaced repetition method. You build your vocabulary list and the application, thanks to its algorithm, helps you revise it.

For example, here I had selected the word "spine". If I know the word, I drag it to the right because I know it.

If I don't know the word, I can send it to the left to have the app review it more often. In addition to the vocabulary in the app, you can create your own flashcards. This way you can review vocabulary that you have learned outside of this DuoCards application.

This application is also a very useful tool for teachers who can develop their learning material since they can create cards and share them with their students. As I said, this application is free, but there is also a paid version, with no ads and no limit to the creation of vocabulary cards.

In the description of this video and in the pinned comment, I'll put a link to access this app. Now let's move on to the ten new words we're going to see today that made their way into the dictionary a few weeks ago.

Among these new words is the male word, vaccinodrome. You may have heard this word if you watch television in French or read articles in French.

A vaccinodrome is a place where people are vaccinated in a rather intensive way. This word appeared after the development of the vaccine against covid.

So it's used to refer to a place where we're going to do mass vaccinations. It can be a place like a tent that has been set up specifically to do vaccinations. But very often, it is used to refer to a place that has been refurbished for some time.

For example, it could be a gymnasium or a town hall. We'll use a large space that allows us to bring in as many people as possible. Another word that entered the dictionary this year is wokism.

It is a word that comes from English.

Wokism comes from the word woke. Woke means awake. We pay attention to what happens around us. We added "ism" to transform it into a current, a current of thought.

This current of thought, it will gather many progressive ideas, for example on the gender, on the ecology, on the open-mindedness.

He often evokes ideas that come from the radical left, from a committed left. For example in the denunciation of racial discrimination, discrimination linked to the sexuality of people, discrimination linked to stereotypes, discrimination linked to gender, etc.

But in general, this term wokism it is used by the people who are against precisely these currents of thought rather progressive. It is a pejorative term, which is used by the opponents of this current of thought.

The next word is grossophobia. Grossophobia is a term used to represent the mockery, discrimination, hostility and prejudice that can be directed at people who are overweight, fat or obese.

For example, we can say that a person is grossophobic if he or she makes fun of someone who is obese or has extra pounds. Grossophobia is discriminating against someone, being mean to someone because of their morphology, because of their body.

Cyber-bullying. With social networks, there is more and more cyber-bullying.

Cyberstalking is when a person is going to be harassed, so they're going to get lots and lots of messages, insults, nasty messages from other people via the internet. So for example via Instagram.

The justice system is taking more and more seriously this type of harassment via the Internet, via social networks. And there are judicial sentences that can now be pronounced against Internet stalkers.

The next word is upcycling. If you are interested in ecology, in the recovery of objects, in the second hand, therefore the reuse of objects, you may know this word.

Upcycling is using old clothes or objects and transforming them to give them a second life. For example, we could make lamps out of plastic bottles. That's upcycling.

For example, hair scrunchies made from bed sheets that had holes in them and could no longer be used.

The next word that came up was narcissistic pervert, which is a psychology term.

It's quite complicated to explain, but a narcissistic pervert is often used in a love relationship. It's when someone, in order to show off, is going to be mean to the other person, is going to devalue them.

For example, will say to her 'you are stupid' to feel she is more intelligent. A narcissistic pervert will make the other person feel guilty and will try to manipulate them. A narcissistic pervert will try to make the other person feel bad in order to keep control over them.

So generally, it is used in romantic relationships, but it can also be in a professional or friendly context.

The next word is quite difficult to pronounce, it is invisibilization.

Invisibilization. When you make something invisible, it means you pretend it doesn't exist. It is the act of hiding things. For example, it is often said that women are invisibilized in history.

So, the women who have marked history, we will talk less about them, they are invisibilized.

Separatism. In general, this word is used to refer to the desire of a group of people to separate, for example, a region from the rest of a country.

In France, we often talk about Corsican separatism. So some Corsicans want their island to be no longer part of France, that there is a separation.

Separatism can also be linked to a cultural trait, to religion. So it's not only geographical.

The health pass, the health pass like the vaccinodrome, is a word that appeared following the Covid, following the epidemic of Covid.

We still hear a lot about this term in France, especially when it comes to travel. When you live in France, you need a health pass to go to certain countries or to return to France.

The health pass allows either to prove that you don't have Covid, or that you are sufficiently protected. So for example, at the moment in France, to have a health pass, you have to have either three doses of vaccine or have done an antigenic test or a PCR test. It is in fact a document that allows you to do things and that proves that you are either not sick or sufficiently protected against Covid.

And the last word we're going to see today is a little more jovial. We'll say it's flow.

The flow. In the beginning, it was mostly used in music. You have a good flow or this rapper has a good flow, so it's a good flow when he sings.

More and more, we use the word flow to talk about a style. For example, I can say that Rihanna has a very good flow to say that she dresses very well, that she has a nice style.

Of course, it is something subjective, a bit like beauty.

It's a little more rare, but the word flow can also be used to talk about someone's concentration. For example, if I am hyper concentrated to study for my French exam, I can say I am in a good flow to say I am in a good rhythm. I am completely immersed in the study. I am completely immersed in the activity I am doing.

That's it for today.

I hope that you have learned some new vocabulary, that you have enjoyed these new words that have entered the dictionary, and that from now on, if you hear them in French media, you will understand what they mean.

If you liked this video, don't forget to put a "like" and don't forget, I put the link to go discover DuoCards in the description of the video and in the pinned comment if you are interested.

But I'm sure you're always interested in learning new vocabulary.

I'll see you very, very soon.

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