LEARN FRENCH IN 2 MINUTES - French idiom: Ça va sans dire

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LEARN FRENCH IN 2 MINUTES - French idiom: Ça va sans dire

Transcript of the video

Hi everyone, hope you are doing well.

Welcome to this new video where we will see together a French expression in a few minutes. Today, we will see together the expression "ça va sans dire".

Before you start, if you need them, remember to enable English or French subtitles. If the video is too fast or too slow for you, remember that YouTube allows you to change the speed of the video.

Needless to say, what does that mean?

It goes without saying, it just means it's obvious. You don't even have to say it, it goes without saying. It's that something is so obvious that it's not even worth using your breath to say it.

For example, if I am in a restaurant and the person who is with me and I are very greedy, we love to eat, I will ask the person if we can have a dessert?

And the person will most certainly answer me, it goes without saying to say that it is obvious that we will have a dessert.

It's a silly question because it's so obvious.

Another example. For example, if you send your wife or husband or boyfriend, girlfriend, friend to go shopping and you asked him to take milk.

When he comes back, if you ask him did you take milk?

He's going to say, of course, that's why I went to the races in the first place. So that means that it's obvious that he took some.

That's it for today. This was a very short video to introduce you to this expression.

I hope you liked this expression, that you can use it too. J

See you soon and don't forget to watch the video if you liked it.

See you soon.

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