PDF Edition - Mon carnet de français : 90 days to progress in French


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This digital edition of "My French notebook allows you to to progress simply in French through your daily life. For 90 days, you work on your French 10-15 minutes a day.

✏️ 90 pages ofwriting exercises, vocabulary exercisesof pronunciationof reading about French cultureof oral comprehension

🌟 90 French expressions. Every day you learn a new expression useful in everyday life.

🤓 40 pages of vocabulary cards, tips for avoiding common mistakes, French cooking recipes, conjugation tables of useful verbs...

🎧 17 audio files to listen to to work on comprehension and pronunciation.

💪 You can track your work with a monthly habit tracker. You can also see your progress by setting short and long term goals.

Here are some examples of exercises from the notebook:
- Open your fridge and write down everything you see in French.
- Tell us about your favorite movie in French.
- Complete a crossword puzzle to work on your knowledge of synonyms.
- Read aloud a text on the "ritual of snacking in France".
- Listen to a dialogue about TV programs and note the key points of the conversation.
- Repeat difficult words to improve your pronunciation

More information on this digital format

If you choose this digital format, you have access to 2 files:

  • A PDF version to print directly from your home.
  • A version to be completed directly from your computer with a PDF reader. There are free ones like Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can add your answers using editable fields. A tip: remember to save your changes often so you don't lose what you write every day.
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